Sunday, December 2, 2012

Webmarketing System; Proven Pathway To Online Webmarketing Success

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My Starting Point

I started online advertising and marketing late in the game. I came in with a host of tools and strategies proven to work back then. These complex, step-by-step problem-solving procedures and processes enabled me to dig deep into the root causes of such important business issues as high turnover, low morale, poor quality and productivity, to mention just a few problems I routinely addressed. It's a much different world today.

Back then, getting qualified, experienced workers, no matter what level, to focus on business problems was like undergoing minor surgery on the battlefield without anesthesia! No matter what reason or explanation, people back then became immediately defensive, even outright hostile toward any well-intended attempt to help them improve and succeed. Unless you thoughtfully chose the right words, you were walking on eggs to even hint of problems in the workplace. Believe me, I have battle scars to prove it.

No matter what time frame or category of people in the workplace, people are generally nervous and fearful over any attempt to look at their work and work methods. To them, it's always personal! Had I access to today's powerful business tools and computer-based systems, things would have been so much different. How time flies!

Let's Jump Ahead To Today

Search engine optimization, b2b marketing and advertising websites proliferate the internet, rendering the world effectively flat! In fact, they form the very fabric and substructure of everyday life - both at home and at work. Even new born babies are born wired and iPad savvy. Small business internet marketing is no longer a radical idea.

Things Are S-o-o-o Different Now. Or are they?
With all the advances in science and technology, mar-keting consultants continue to report a 90+% failure rate of internet marketers to achieve their quotas, goals and objectives. The truth is that most on and offline marketing companies and individuals are floundering just like before. So much for independence and financial freedom.

In my book, this is ridiculous, even insane! Who needs it? Reminds me of Einstein's now famous definition of insanity as Doing the same things over and over again, expecting different results. Sounds like a broken record to me. What say you?

What's Wrong With This Picture? Are We Doomed To Suffer The Same Fate?
I'm sure a larger number of people are faring well. The problem is, most are not faring so well. Too many well-intended individuals and business owners continue to apply methods that may have worked in the past but which clearly no longer change things significantly. People loathe cold-calling, hotel meetings, put-up flashy ADD-type personalities spouting worn out cliches passed down the sales pipeline. If you listen close, you'll see and hear peoples' callous indifference.

Time For Change...Change That Matters!
Sharpening the axe won't cut down more trees in today's far-reaching global forest. What we need now is total transformation; a complete break with the past with state-of-the-art self-sharpening tools.
Well, guess what, we now have such a system!

Dynamic Consumer-Driven Webmarketing System
What got us to today will not get us to tomorrow. We now have access to a fully-integrated web marketing system capable of attracting and retaining global customers like never before. Led by a core team of magnetic marketing and SEO Experts, this amazing, affordable online system penetrates deep into the internet marketplace producing immediate, real-time results.


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